PreOp Patient Education
Friday, July 26, 2024

Audio Presentation


Your Procedure
  Your Body
  Medical Record
  Before Surgery
  Your Procedure
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Now it's time to talk about the actual procedure your doctor has recommended for you.

On the day of your operation, you will be asked to put on a surgical gown.
On the day of your operation, you will be asked to put on a surgical gown.
You may receive a sedative by mouth
You may receive a sedative by mouth
and an intravenous line may be put in.
and an intravenous line may be put in.
You will then be transferred to the operating table.
You will then be transferred to the operating table.
In the operating room, the anesthesiologist will begin to administer anesthesia. When the patient is asleep, a breathing tube will be inserted through the nose.
In the operating room, the anesthesiologist will begin to administer anesthesia. When the patient is asleep, a breathing tube will be inserted through the nose.
Next, the surgical team will pack the back of the throat with cotton or other material to absorb blood and prevent it from escaping down the back of the throat.
Next, the surgical team will pack the back of the throat with cotton or other material to absorb blood and prevent it from escaping down the back of the throat.
An instrument called a retractor will be used to hold the tongue.
An instrument called a retractor will be used to hold the tongue.
Using a clamp, the surgeon will pull the tonsils toward the middle of the mouth.
Using a clamp, the surgeon will pull the tonsils toward the middle of the mouth.
Next, the tonsils are cut free by tightening a wire loop around each of their bases.
Next, the tonsils are cut free by tightening a wire loop around each of their bases.
Finally, when the bleeding has lessened, the team will remove the packing and the breathing tube.
Finally, when the bleeding has lessened, the team will remove the packing and the breathing tube.
Depending on the age of the patient and the size of the tonsils, fine sutures may be used to close the blood vessels feeding the tonsils. </p>
<p> No bandage or other covering is required. </p>
Depending on the age of the patient and the size of the tonsils, fine sutures may be used to close the blood vessels feeding the tonsils.

No bandage or other covering is required.

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