Before we talk about treatment, let's start with a discussion about the human body and about your medical condition.
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Your doctor has recommended that you undergo a Vasectomy. But what exactly does that mean? |
Vasectomy is a surgical procedure that serves as birth control by permanently cutting off the flow of sperm to the penis. |
In adult males, sperm is continually produced in the testicles, or testis. |
Both testicles are contained in the scrotum - a pouch of loose skin that hangs outside the body, below the penis. |
Young sperm mature and are stored in the epididymis, a small structure at the rear of each testicle. |
When the male experiences sexual climax, a pair of muscular tubes called the vas deferens transport sperm away from the epididymis. |
As the sperm moves towards the penis, it enters the seminal vesicle where it mixes with the seminal secretions. |
These are the fluids that make up the major component of the semen that finally reaches the penis and is ejaculated. |
The Vasectomy procedure prevents sperm cells from reaching the seminal vesicle by cutting both vas deferens near the testicles. |
But because the procedure does not interfere with the production of semen in the seminal vesicle, men who undergo a successful vasectomy are still able to ejaculate - though their semen will no longer contain sperm cells. |
So make sure that you ask your doctor to carefully explain the reasons behind this recommendation. |